Facial Cleansing
Aqua Peeling — gentle cleansing and skin renewal. The procedure successfully solves a number of aesthetic problems, refreshes and rejuvenates the skin, significantly improving its structure.
Cleansing takes place under the influence of a vacuum, at the same time, the device, using a disposable nozzle, nourishes and moisturizes the skin with premium-class sera.
In the La Vie Beaute beauty salon, sessions are carried out using the AquaClean mini device from the South Korean company Eunsung Global, a leading manufacturer of medical aesthetic equipment.

How it works?

Benefits of using AquaClean mini
AquaClean mini is a multifunctional 3-in-1 skin care system. The device implements three programs at once: vacuum peeling, electroporation and electrical stimulation.
- Vacuum hydro-peeling is a hypoallergenic effect aimed at removing sebum and dead cells.
- Electroporation is the introduction of active substances into skin cells. The pulses create a temporary hole in the skin without damaging the cellular structure. As a result, the active substances can penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin.
- Electrical stimulation. Massage of the deep muscles of the face with low-frequency microcurrents, which has an anti-aging effect: it stimulates the cellular structure of the skin and facial muscles. Due to this effect, the skin becomes more elastic, even and smooth.

Serums used during peeling
Stage I. AHA acids. They remove keratinized “dead” cells, stimulate the synthesis of collagen and start the processes of skin renewal.
Stage II. BHA-acids (a mixture of salicylic acid). Deep cleansing of pores, elimination of comedones. They have an antibacterial effect, relieve inflammation.
Stage III. Hyaluronic acid. Hydrates the skin and evens out its tone.

The effect of the AquaClean treatment
- Cleansing and narrowing pores
- Eliminate (comedone) blackheads
- Treatment of acne, demodex
- Removal of the stratum corneum
- Regulation of sebum production
- Skin texture improvement
- Fresh complexion
- Recovery after exposure to UV rays
- Reduction of mimic wrinkles
- Tone equalization
- Lightening pigment spots
- Reducing inflammation
- Nutrition and deep hydration

Benefits of using AquaClean mini
- Soft and physiological effect on the skin
- Non-invasive peeling
- Safe technology. The use of an optimized vacuum makes peeling absolutely harmless even for very thin and sensitive skin.
- Requires no recovery
- Does not cause irritation
- No side effects
- Comprehensively solves both age and adolescent problems

- Scars, keloid scars, inflammation
- Skin hypersensitivity
- Oncology
- The presence of metal pins inside the body
- A pacemaker
- Pregnancy